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TibetGallery™ The Best from Tibet, India, Nepal and Bhutan

Product Image Vajrapani Thangka (TGTH 55)

Vajrapani Thangka (TGTH 55)

$375.00 $555.00

Painting Size (Inches) Height 20.5” Width 15”

Brocade Size (Inches) Height 43” Width 28”

All Hand Painted 

 (Skt. Vajrapānī; Tib. ཕྱག་ན་རྡོ་རྗེ་, Chakna DorjeWyl. phyag na rdo rje) — one of the eight great bodhisattvas and lords of the three families. He represents the power of the buddhas and is usually depicted as blue in colour and holding a vajra. He is especially responsible for transmitting the tantras to the human realm, and is known, in this context, as the 'Lord of Secrets' (Skt. Guhyapati; Tib. གསང་བའི་བདག་པོ་, Wyl. gsang ba'i bdag po).